There is a wealth of energy, wisdom, and creativity in our community.
The Community section invites you to contribute your news, events, artwork, videos, writings, essays, etcetera.
The Community Forum provides a place for you to read, create, and respond to discussion topics.
In order to contribute to this site, you must registered and logged in. You can register and login with your Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram or LinkedIn profile, or if you prefer, just using the standard WordPress registration/login with your name and email address.
Once you have registered, you will receive an email from the website titled “Your username and password info”. If you used your social media account (Facebook, etc.), you will be automatically logged in, and you can ignore this email. If you signed up with the standard WordPress registration, click the link included in that email to set your password and complete the registration.
You can also find links to the Register and Login pages at the bottom of the Community menu the drop-down menu of the Community menu at the top of the page.
Once your are logged in, you will notice a black toolbar above the normal website navigation menu. You can now comment on posts in the News & Events or Community sections, and create or respond to topics in the Community Forum.
If you would like to write an article, share your video or visual art, or post an event in the community section, you can do that on the WordPress Dashboard. When you are logged in, look to the black bar at the top left of the screen, and click where it says “The Move Collective” and that will send you to the Dashboard page. Clicking again on “The Move Collective” link at the top of the page will bring you back to the main website.
On the Dashboard page, you will see a box called Publishing Help that will feature helpful tips on how to publish your content. It is strongly recommended that you watch these videos!
The Dashboard menu is on the left side of the page, in black. Publishing Help is also on this menu.
Below that is the Posts link — Posts are the writings, artwork, videos, news, etcetera that you can contribute. Click there to list your posts and add new ones.
Below that is the Events link — these are posts that are specifically for events, which will then show up on the Community Events list and calendar.
Please note: When you first register as a Contributor, your posts will NOT automatically be published on the site. They must first be approved and published by the site administrator. Once you have been approved as a trusted contributor, you can request that your status be changed to Author status so that you can publish your own posts and events.
As mentioned above, once you’re registered and logged in, you can visit the Community Forum and immediately post topics and respond to other topics. If you’re on the Dashboard screen (see above), you can also see and edit your Forum topics and replies.