Join The Move
Becoming a member is easy!
As you enter, you will be greeted by one of our door facilitators who will give you a brief orientation to The Move and ask you to sign the membership form (see below). This should not take more than 10 minutes.
If this is your first time coming to The Move, it’s best to arrive before the doors open (7:30pm) so that you have time go through the membership process before the Move starts at 8pm.
We also ask that you read the Guidelines page to get a better sense of what to expect.
The Move is committed to making our events financially accessible to those in need. Please see the Special Guest List and Energy Exchange sections below for more information.
All members of The Move community need to complete and sign a membership form. You can do that when you arrive at The Move, or you can get a head start by downloading, printing, and completing the form below and bringing it with you.
Special Guest List
As a way of supporting inclusivity on our dancefloor, The Move’s Special Guest List allows those in financial need to come to The Move five times over the course of a three month period at $10 per dance.
To apply, email info@themovecollective.org. You will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis. While we will not ask for proof of financial status, we trust that dancers will apply on a needs-basis, so that the scholarships can go to those who will truly benefit. We will contact you before the quarter for which you are being considered.
You may re-apply for scholarships as often as you need, though priority will be given to those who have not received a Move scholarship before. We offer 15 spots per term.
If you have any questions, or if you know of someone who might like to benefit from this offer, particularly someone not currently attending the Move because of their financial situation, please email info@themovecollective.org and we would be happy to help.
Energy Exchange
Please note the Door Fairy program is discontinued for now.
The position of ‘Door Fairy’ is an energy exchange opportunity for members who might not be able to attend The Move on a regular basis due to financial constraints and have a desire to give back to the community.
It is also a great way to become more involved and connected with The Move community. The Door Fairy position involves greeting members as they arrive at The Move and handing out numbered cards until we reach capacity. The shift starts at 6:45pm and ends at 7:50pm and involves working collaboratively with the Door Team. In exchange, Door Fairies get to dance at The Move that evening for free! We ask for a 6 month commitment with at least 2 shifts per 3-month term.
If you are interested in this opportunity and to find out more, please contact us: info@themovecollective.org