About The Move
We started THE MOVE because we all love to move and groove. Simply put, for the sheer love of dance.
We recognize that while the love of dance is essential to create dance gatherings, we also want to create a loving, safe, and fun free-style creative movement space for all to enjoy.
The Move Collective is a member-based non-profit organization run for and by the community. We are made up of the Move Advisory Council (MAC — the leading body of The Move), a Steward and an Administrative Assistant overseeing operations, Door Facilitators, and DJs. Collectively, after many vibrant meetings back in 2002-2003, our founders came up with a strong vision. Here are the main values we hold near and dear for our dance collective. We welcome new members, movement lovers shy or bold dancers to join and be co-creators of this wonderful vision we are unfolding…
We hold the strong intention to honour movement and dance as an essential and powerful expression of self and connection to others.
The healing and artistic nature of movement is acknowledged by us movers, who recognize fun, play and humour are vital to this practice. We commit to providing an ongoing space that is body loving and body positive and encourages movement for people of all genders, ages, sizes, backgrounds and dance experience. We celebrate our connection to each other, to the earth, and to the dance of life, in our weekly dance gatherings called THE MOVE.
We dance in silence, which allows us to drop deeper into the experience of body movement and non-verbal connection through dance. For those who wish to talk, we request that you go outside in the hallway to speak.
No one person is the leader of THE MOVE, and no one movement modality is the way or the path of THE MOVE.
Some of us are influenced and inspired by our study of embodied movement and/or spiritual practices such as Soul Motion™, Authentic Movement, 5Rhythms®, Contact Improv, Continuum, Dance Our Way Home™, Eurythmy, and Soul Voice™.
We embrace both inner and outer flexibility, change, and transformation. Flexibility means choice for involvement. For those who just want to dance, cheers to you and see you on the dance floor. For others, who want to become more involved, contact us to find out more about joining our vibrant team, which is made up of the Community Advisory Council, Door Facilitators and DJs, which are paid positions. We also offer an Energy Exchange program (our Door Fairies) and a Special Guest List (pay-what-you-can program) for those in need. Keep up to date about community involvement opportunities on our News & Events page.
The Move is a freestyle embodied movement gathering run by The Move Dance Collective, where we honour dance as an essential expression of self, way of connecting with our bodies and with others.
As a member-based non-profit community arts organization, The Move Dance Collective is a co-created experience both on the dance floor, and behind the scenes. As an organisation, we strive towards inclusivity while upholding the values of mutual respect, honouring all members as individuals and as a collective and promoting a consent-based culture. We practice collaborative governance, supported and strengthened by our individual commitments to ongoing personal growth work. Just as we move and change together on the dance floor, as an organization we strive to collectively embody cooperation, responsiveness, and adaptability, as we co-create our continued organizational evolution.